Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

General Conditions for Supplies of Evoqua Water Technologies GmbH

for Customers with a Seat or registered Office outside of Germany

Status January 2020

1. General Conditions

1.1 The scope, quality and all terms and conditions of the supplies or services (hereinafter called "Supplies") shall be exclusively defined by written declarations of both parties and by written provisions of these conditions (hereinafter called "Contract"). General terms and conditions of the Purchaser shall apply only where expressly accepted in writing by Evoqua Water Technologies GmbH (hereinafter called "Supplier"). The Contract shall be deemed to have been concluded upon receipt of Supplier's written acknowledgment stating its acceptance of the order.

1.2 For cost estimates, drawings and other documents (hereinafter called "Documents"), the Supplier reserves all rights, title and interest regarding all intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyright in the Documents. Such Documents may not be made available to third parties without the prior consent of the Supplier and they shall, upon request, be immediately returned to the Supplier if he is not awarded the contract. Sentences 1 and 2 shall apply vice versa to Purchaser's Documents; however, these may be made available by the Supplier to his sub-contractors and sub-suppliers.

1.3 If the Supplies also compromise any software products including any relating documentation, than as for these software products and documentation and unless otherwise agreed the Purchaser  shall have only the non-exclusive right to use software in machine-readable object code form in connection with the Supplies as specified in the operation documentation, if any.

1.4 The Purchaser is only allowed to make one back-up copy of such software with use thereof solely to right set forth above.

1.5 The Purchaser may transfer its rights in the software only in connection with the sale or other transfer of the Supplies to a third party.

1.6 The Supplier shall be entitled to provide partial Supplies.

1.7 The Supplier shall not be obligated to fulfill this Contract if such fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of national and international foreign trade and customs requirements or any embargos or other sanctions.

1.8 the Purchaser and/or the place of delivery.

1.9 The term „claim for damages” used in the present Contract also includes claims for indemnification for useless expenditure

2. Prices and Terms of Payment

2.1 Prices shall be ex works (Incoterms®2010) excluding packing and any taxes, duties or imposts payable under applicable law. Purchaser agrees to pay or reimburse Supplier for any such taxes, duties or imposts which Supplier or his subcontractors or sub-suppliers are required to pay.

2.2 If the Supplier has undertaken the assembly or erection, the Purchaser shall bear all required incidental costs, e.g. for traveling and transport as well as allowances, in addition to the agreed Contract price unless otherwise agreed.

2.3 Payments shall be made free to the bank account or payment office notified by the Supplier.

2.4 The Purchaser may set off only those claims that are undisputed or have been finally determined in a legally binding manner.

2.5 Unless provided otherwise in writing between the parties, the invoices shall be due for payment immediately and shall be settled no later than on the 30th day counting from the date of invoice, without any cash discount or other deduction allowed.

If the Purchaser is in default with respect to the agreed terms of payment, he shall be liable, without reminder, to pay default interest, from the 31st day counting from the date of the invoice, at a rate exceeding by 8 percentage points the current base rate of interest issued by the European Central Bank.

3. Offsetting, group invoicing clause, retention

3.1 The Supplier shall be entitled to set off its own claims and the claims of the companies affiliated with and against claims of the Purchaser and against claims of the companies affiliated with the Purchaser, even if the claims are different due date.

3.2 Set-off and right of retention against claims of the supplier are not permitted to the customer, unless these are undisputed or legally established claims.

3.3 In the case of justified doubts as to the buyer's solvency or creditworthiness, which are particularly indicated by default of payment, the supplier is entitled - without prejudice to other rights - to demand collateral or advance payments for outstanding services, to make all claims arising from the business relationship immediately.

4. Retention of Title

4.1 Title to the Supplies shall remain with Supplier until each and every claim against the Purchaser to which the Supplier is entitled under this business relationship has been duly satisfied. Upon entering into the Contract, the Purchaser authorizes the Supplier to enter or notify reservation of title in the required form in public registers, books or similar records, all in accordance with relevant national laws, and to fulfil all corresponding formalities, at Purchaser's costs.

4.2 For the duration of the retention of title, the Purchaser shall be prohibited from giving the Supplies in pledge or as security, and resale shall be permissible only in the ordinary course of business and subject to the condition that the Purchaser either receives payment from its customer or retains title so that the property is transferred to the Purchaser's customer only after fulfilment of his obligation to pay.

4.3 In case of seizure of the Supplies or similar acts or interventions by third parties which may result in the Supplier loosing title to the Supplies, the Purchaser shall inform the Supplier immediately thereof in writing. If a reasonable interest can be proven, Purchaser shall, without undue delay, provide Supplier with the information and/or Documents necessary to assert the claims it has against its customers.

4.4 In cases of fundamental non-performance of contractual obligations by the Purchaser, especially a delay in payment, the Supplier shall be entitled to rescind the contract and take back the Retained Goods in the case of continued failure following expiry of a reasonable remedy period set by the Supplier; the statutory provisions providing that a remedy period is not needed shall be unaffected. The Purchaser shall be obliged to return the Supplies. The taking back, the assertion of the retention of title or the seizure of the Supplies by the Supplier shall not mean termination of the Contract and restitution, unless expressly stated by the Supplier.

4.5 Should Purchaser resell Retained Goods, it assigns to the Supplier, already today, all claims it will have against its customers out of the resale, including any collateral rights and all balance claims, as security, without any subsequent declarations to this effect being necessary. If the Retained Goods are sold on together with other items and no individual price has been agreed with respect to the Retained Goods, Purchaser shall assign to the Supplier such fraction of the total price claim as is attributable to the price of the Retained Goods invoiced by Supplier.

4.6 a) Purchaser may process, amalgamate or combine Retained

Goods with other items. Processing is made for Supplier.Purchaser shall store the new item thus created for Supplier, exercising the due care of a diligent business person. The new items are considered as Retained Goods.

b) Already today, Supplier and Purchaser agree that if Retained Goods are combined or amalgamated with other items that are not the property of Supplier, Supplier shall acquire co-ownership in the new item in proportion of the value of the Retained Goods combined or amalgamated to the other items at the time of combination or amalgamation. In this respect, the new items are considered as Retained Goods.

c) The provisions on the assignment of claims according to No. 3 above shall also apply to the new item. The assignment, however, shall only apply to the amount corresponding to the value invoiced by Supplier for the Retained Goods that have been processed, combined or amalgamated.

d) Where Purchaser combines Retained Goods with real estate or movable goods, it shall, without any further declaration being necessary to this effect, also assign to Supplier as security its claim to consideration for the combination, including all collateral rights for the prorata amount of the value the combined Retained Goods have on the other combined items at the time of the combination.

4.7 Until further notice, Purchaser may collect assigned claims   relating to the resale. Supplier is entitled to withdraw Purchaser's permission to collect funds for good reason, including, but not limited to delayed payment, suspension of payments, start of insolvency proceedings, protest or justified indications for over-indebtedness or pending insolvency of Purchaser. In addition, Supplier may, upon expiry of an adequate period of notice disclose the assignment, realize the claims assigned and demand that Purchaser informs its customer of the assignment.

5. Time for Delivery and Delay

5.1 Performance of the stipulated time for delivery is subject to the timely receipt by the Supplier of all documents, necessary permits and releases, especially of plans to be provided by the Purchaser, as well as fulfilment of the agreed terms of payment and other obligations by the Purchaser. To the extent said conditions are not fulfilled on time, the time for delivery shall be extended accordingly and the Purchaser shall reimburse the Supplier all additional cost and expense incurred due to such extension, unless the Supplier is responsible for the extension.

5.2 If non-performance of the time for delivery is due to force majeure such as mobilization, war, terror attacks, civil insurrection, raw material shortages, lack of transportation, interruption of electricity or similar events (e.g. strike or lockout), virus attacks or other attacks on the Supplier's IT systems occurring despite protective measures were in place that complied with the principles of proper care, hindrances attributable to German, US or otherwise applicable national, EU or international rules of foreign trade law or to other circumstances for which Supplier is not responsible; or the fact that Supplier does not receive its own supplies in due time or in due form, which could not be avoided despite application of due care the time for delivery shall be extended accordingly.

5.3 If  the Supplier is responsible for a delay in delivery, the Purchaser who can prove that he suffered a loss from such delay may claim liquidated damages of 0.5 % for every completed week of delay but in no event shall the aggregate of such compensation exceed a total of 5 % of the price of those Supplies which, because of the delay, could not be put to the intended use.

5.4 Claims of the Purchaser for compensation which exceed the limits specified in Clause 5.3 shall be excluded in all cases of delayed delivery. This shall also apply after expiry of a period granted to the Supplier for delivery of the Supplies.

5.5 Any further rights and remedies of the Purchaser than those as per this Section 5 based on a delay, in particular Purchaser's right to claim damages shall be excluded.

5.6 If dispatch or delivery is delayed at Purchaser's request by more than one month after notice was given of the readiness for dispatch by the Supplier, the Purchaser may be charged storage costs for each month thereafter up to the amount of 0.5 % of the Contract price of the Supplies but in no event shall the aggregate storage charges exceed a total of 5% of the total Contract price.

6. Transfer of Risk

6.1 Even where delivery has been agreed freight free, the risk shall pass to the Purchaser as follows:

a) if the delivery does not include assembly or erection, at the time when it is shipped or picked up by the carrier. Upon the Purchaser's request, the Supplier shall insure the delivery against the usual risks of transport at the Purchaser's expense;

b) if the delivery includes assembly or erection, at the day of taking over in the Purchaser's own works or, if so agreed, alter a successful trial run.

6.2 If the dispatch, the delivery, the beginning or completion of assembly or erection, the taking over of Purchaser's  own service or the trial run is delayed for reasons within the Purchaser's responsibility, or if the Purchaser has failed for other reasons to accept delivery, the risk of loss shall pass to the Purchaser on the date when it would have passed but for such failure of the Purchaser.

7. Assembly and Installation

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, assembly and installation shall be subject to the following provisions:

7.1 The Purchaser shall provide at his own expense and in a timely manner:

a) all earth-moving and construction work and other ancillary services not specific to the Supplier's trade as well as the necessary skilled and unskilled labor, materials and tools,

b) the equipment and materials necessary for assembly, installation and commissioning such as scaffolding, lifting equipment etc., fuels and lubricants,

c) energy and water at the point of use, including connections, heating and lighting,

d) suitable, dry and lockable rooms of sufficient size at the site for the storage of machine parts, apparatus, materials, tools etc. and adequate working and recreation rooms for the assembly personnel including appropriate sanitary facilities. Furthermore, the Purchaser shall take all measures he would take for the protection of his own property to safeguard the property of the Supplier and of the assembly personnel,

e) protective clothing and protective devices which are needed because of particular conditions on the site,

f) all accident prevention measures necessary to protect both the Supplier as well as Suppliers personnel.

7.2 Before the start of assembly or installation, the Purchaser shall make available at his own cost and expense all necessary information concerning the location of concealed electric power, gas and water lines or of similar installations as well as all required data concerning static and sub-surface conditions of the site.

7.3 Before the beginning of assembly or installation, the Purchaser shall provide all necessary materials and equipment to start work at the site and carry out all preparations to such a point that the assembly or installation can be started as agreed and carried out without interruption. Access roads and the site shall be paved and clear. The site shall be prepared for erection, assembly or installation of Supplies.

7.4 If the assembly, installation or commissioning is delayed by circumstances for which the Supplier is not responsible, the Purchaser shall bear the costs of waiting periods and of any additional travelling of the Supplier or the assembly personnel that may be necessary. In this case the Supplier shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in schedule, price and other pertinent conditions of the Contract.

7.5 The Purchaser shall certify to the Supplier at weekly intervals the hours worked by the Supplier's assembly personnel and shall promptly confirm in writing the completion of assembly, erection or commissioning.

7.6 If, after completion, the Supplier requests acceptance of the Supplies, it shall be carried out by the Purchaser within two weeks of the Supplier's request, failing which the Supplies shall be deemed to be accepted. Acceptance is also deemed to have taken place if the Supplies are put to use by the Purchaser.

8. Taking delivery

8.1 The Purchaser shall be entitled to refuse acceptance of delivery only if Supplies are visibly and substantially defective, and the Purchaser provides the Supplier specific written notice thereof within three (3) days of delivery of such Supplies.

8.2 Upon taking delivery or receipt of shipping documents, the Purchaser shall check Supplies and shall notify the last carrier of:

a) any damage caused to the Supplies by transport or of

b) objections regarding forwarding or transport of the Supplies.

The Purchaser is obliged to send a copy of the notification to the Supplier.

9. Defects Liability

The Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser for defects including the non-compliance with express warranties or the failure of the Supplies to meet guarantees as follows:

9.1 The Supplier shall, upon written request of the Purchaser, at his option, repair any defect or replace any Supplies which turn out to be defective within the defects liability period for any defect, which is due to circumstances that existed before the transfer of risk occurred. Insofar as defective parts have to be replaced, such defective parts shall pass into ownership of the Supplier.

9.2 The defects liability period shall be twelve (12) months from the date of delivery or respectively completion of the respective Supply, in the event a Supply is assembled or erected by the Supplier under the Contract.

9.3 The Purchaser shall immediately inspect the Supplies and shall immediately notify the Supplier in writing of any defects. If the Purchaser does not notify the Supplier in writing, the Supplies are deemed to have been accepted with respect to such defects.

9.4 The Purchaser may withhold payments on account of defects only if the legitimacy of the asserted defects liability claim is established by the Purchaser beyond reasonable doubt. The Purchaser has no right to withhold payments to the extent that its claim of a Defect is time-barred. Unjustified notifications of Defect shall entitle the Supplier to demand reimbursement of its expenses by the Purchaser.

9.5 The Supplier shall be given adequate time and opportunity to remedy the defect. For this purpose, the Purchaser shall grant the Supplier working access to the non-conforming Supplies including disassembly and reassembly without cost to the Supplier. Purchaser shall at his expense and upon request of Supplier send the defective parts to Supplier. Cost incurred in relation with the remedy of defects in works or repair centres of the Supplier shall be at Supplier’s expense. If the remedy of defects is impossible to be carried out in works or repair centres of the Supplier, cost related to such remedy of defects shall be assumed by the Purchaser to the extent such cost exceed customary transport, personnel, travelling and accommodation expenses.

9.6 If an adequate extension granted to the Supplier expires without the defect being remedied, the Purchaser shall have the right to a reduction of the Contract price or, if the portion of the Supplies which is not defective is of no use for the Purchaser, to terminate the Contract and obtain restitution.

9.7 The Supplier shall not be liable for defects which only insignificantly impair the use of the respective Supply, unsubstantial deviations of the Supplies from the specification of the Supplies, natural wear and tear or damage, arising after the transfer of risk, from faulty or negligent handling, excessive strain, use of unsuitable appurtenances, defective installation or erection not carried out by the Supplier, inappropriate foundation or particular external influences not explicitly assumed to impact on the Supplies under the Contract, or from non-reproducible software errors. Claims based on defects attributable to improper modifications or repair work carried out by the Purchaser or third parties and the consequences thereof are likewise excluded.

9.8 The Supplier shall not be liable if the Purchaser or a third party carries out modifications or repairs improperly.

9.9 Any further rights and remedies of the Purchaser than those as per this Section 9 based on a defect, in particular any right to terminate the Contract and obtain restitution or to claim damages, shall be excluded and the Supplier does not assume any implied warranty or any liability for fitness for purpose.

10. Industrial Property Rights and Copyright

Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between the parties, the Supplier shall provide the Supplies solely where the Purchaser has its seat or registered office free from third parties’ industrial property rights and copyrights (hereinafter called "Intellectual Property Rights").

10.1 In the event a third party, because of an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights by the Supplies asserts legitimate claims against the Purchaser, the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser as follows:

a) Supplier shall at his own option and expense, either obtain a right to use the Supplies, modify the Supplies so as not to infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or replace the relevant Supply. If this is not reasonably possible for the Supplier, the Purchaser may rescind the contract or reduce the remuneration pursuant to the applicable statutory provisions. The Supplier's liability to pay damages is governed by Article 12.

b) Supplier's aforesaid obligations shall exist only provided the Purchaser has immediately notified the Supplier in writing of the claims asserted by the third party, the Purchaser has not acknowledged an infringement and all countermeasures and settlement negotiations are reserved to the Supplier. If the Purchaser stops using the Supplies to reduce the damage or for other important reasons, he shall be obliged to make it clear to the third party that the suspended use does not mean acknowledgment of an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.

10.2 Claims of the Purchaser shall be excluded if he is responsible for an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.

10.3 Claims of the Purchaser shall also be excluded if the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights was caused by specific demands of the Purchaser, by a use of the Supplies not foreseeable by the Supplier or by the Supplies being altered by the Purchaser or being used together with products not provided by the Supplier.

10.4 Further rights and remedies of the Purchaser than those as per this Section 10 based on an infringement of third parties´ Intellectual Property Rights; in particular the Purchaser's right to claim damages, shall be excluded.

10.5 The Purchaser may use the plans and drawings provided by the Supplier only for the intended purpose. The Purchaser shall not be entitled to use these plans and drawings for other purposes, especially not for the reproduction of the Supplies or parts of the Supplies.

11. Impossibility of Performance / Adaptation of Contract

11.1 If it is impossible for the Supplier to carry out the Supplies for reasons for which he is responsible, the Purchaser shall be entitled to claim damages. The Purchaser's claim for damages shall be limited to 10 % of the value of that part of the Supplies which, owing to the impossibility, cannot be put to the intended use. This limitation shall not apply in the case of liability based on intent, gross negligence or loss of life, bodily injury or damage to health; this does not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the Purchaser. The Purchaser's right to rescind the contract shall be unaffected.

11.2 In case applicable law changes or other relevant laws or changes of engineering standards have a substantial impact on the content of Supplies or their performance or considerably affect Supplier’s business or in case of unforeseeable events in the  context of Clause 5.2, the Contract shall be adapted appropriately in order to account the changed circumstances, including but not limited to an increase of the total price agreed for the provision of the Supplies under this Contract as at the date of this Contract. Where this is not economically reasonable, the Supplier shall have the right to terminate the Contract. The same applies if required export permits are not granted or cannot be used. If the Supplier intends to exercise its right to rescind the contract, it shall notify the Purchaser thereof without undue delay after having realized the repercussions of the event; this shall also apply even where an extension of the delivery period has previously been agreed with the Purchaser

Notwithstanding any other provision in this Contract, the Supplier shall be entitled to terminate the Contract when a force majeure event has continued for more than 180 days. Any such termination shall be without liability to the Supplier.

11.3 If the Supplier wants to make use of this right of termination, he shall notify the Purchaser in writing immediately after becoming aware of the force majeure event. This notification requirement shall apply even where at first an extension of the time for delivery had been agreed between the Parties.

12. Further Liability

12.1 Any and all further rights and remedies of the Purchaser against the Supplier for whatsoever legal reason shall be excluded. In particular, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to challenge the Contract for material error, including any challenge of the Contract for any error related to defects of the Supplies. The Purchaser shall also not be entitled to claim damages; this shall refer in particular to claims for loss of production, loss of use, loss of orders or profit and other direct, indirect or consequential damage, including infringement of duties arising in connection with the contract or tort.

12.2 Except for Sections 5.3, 5.6, 11.1 and 12.1 and irrespective of any contradictory stipulation in the Contract, the liability of the Supplier under or in connection with the Contract, by tort, indemnification or otherwise shall be limited to the Contract Price. These limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of intent, gross negligence of legal representatives or executive Officers of Supplier, fraud, or negligent injury to life, limb or death.

12.3 These limitations of liability shall also apply for the benefit of the Supplier's subcontractors, suppliers, agents, directors, officers and employees

13. Transfer

13.1 Supplier may transfer the rights and obligations arising from the Contract to a third party. This transfer does not become effective if the Purchaser objects to aforesaid transfer within four (4) weeks of receipt of such notification. This shall be pointed out by Supplier in the notification.

13.2 As an exception, Supplier may transfer rights and obligations arising from this Contract to any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Supplier without prior written consent of the Purchaser.

14. Confidentiality

Any information made available to the Purchaser by the Supplier in connection with this Contract shall be treated as confidential. The Purchaser shall use the information only for the purposes specified in this Contract. This confidentiality obligation shall not apply to information which Purchaser can demonstrate,

a) is already in the public domain or becomes available to the public through no breach by Purchaser of this confidentiality undertaking or

b) was in Purchaser's possession prior to receipt from Supplier without a confidentiality undertaking or

c) has thereafter   been legally obtained without confidentiality obligation from others or

d) is independently developed by the Purchaser who had no access to the information received hereunder.

The obligations set forth in this Section 14 shall survive any termination of the Contract.

15. Conditional Performance

15.1. The performance of this contract is conditional upon that no hindrances attributable to German, US or otherwise applicable national, EU or international rules of foreign trade law or any embargos or other sanctions exist.

15.2. The Purchaser shall provide any information and Documents required for export, transport and import purposes.

16. Termination/Suspension

16.1 A party shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by written notice:

a) if any proceeding is instituted against the other party seeking to adjudicate such  party as bankrupt or insolvent, or if the other party makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if the receiver  is  appointed  on  account  of  the insolvency or the other party, and, in the case of any such proceeding instituted against the other party (but not by the other party itself), if such proceeding is not dismissed within 45 days of such filling, or

b) if the other party is insolvent or itself files a petition seeking to take advantage of any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or composition or readjustment of debts.

16.2. In the event any of the following occurs the Supplier may at its option suspend the provision of its obligation under this Contract:

a) the Purchaser fails to make payment of any amount within 30 days after it has become due and payable, or

b) the Purchaser fails to fulfill its obligations necessary for the Supplier to deliver or complete the Supplies, or

c) delivery of Supplies is prevented by export restrictions for more than 180 days, or

d) the Purchaser is insolvent or any proceeding as referred to in Clause 16.1 is instituted against the Purchaser.

16.3 In the event the Supplier suspends the provision of its obligations the Purchaser shall pay all additional cost incurred due to such suspension to the Supplier. The Supplier shall be entitled to take back Supplies and the Purchaser shall be obliged to return the Supplies. The taking back, the assertion of the retention of the title of a security interest or the taking possession through legal right or process of the Supplies by the Supplier shall not mean termination of the Contract and restitution, unless expressly stated by the Supplier.

16.4 Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of  this  Contract  the Supplier may terminate a part or the whole Contract within 30 days written notice to the Purchaser in case the requirements set forth in Clause 16.2a), b) or c) are given.

17. Termination/Suspension Dispute Settlement / Applicable Law

17.1 All disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (Paris) by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. Each party shall nominate one arbitrator for confirmation by the competent authority under the Rules (Appointing Authority). Both arbitrators shall agree on the third arbitrator within 30 days. Should the two arbitrators fail, within the above time-limit, to reach agreement on the third arbitrator, he shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority. If there are two or more defendants, any nomination of an arbitrator by or on behalf of such defendants must be by joint agreement between them. If such defendants fail, within the time-limit fixed by the Appointing Authority, to agree on such joint nomination, the proceedings against each of them must be separated.

The language to be used in arbitration proceedings shall be English. The seat of arbitration shall be Zurich, Switzerland. The procedural law of this place shall apply where the Rules are silent.

17.2 This Contract shall be subject to the substantive laws of Switzerland. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the Swiss conflicts of law provisions shall be excluded.

18. Miscellaneous

18.1 Mistakes, unintended gaps and contradictions in the Contract are to be treated and construed in accordance with the spirit of this Contract on the basis of mutual trust and of the mutual interests of both parties.

18.2 In the event of legal invalidity of individual stipulations, the other parts of this Contract shall remain valid. The aforesaid shall not apply where compliance with the terms of this Contract would constitute unacceptable hardship for either party.




Goods from our standard product portfolio, whose return is not a result of error(s) on the part of Evoqua Water Technologies GmbH, should be returned for credit within 60 days from shipment. Should the goods be received in unused, "as new" salable condition and in our original packing, we will issue a credit note for 80% of the original net price. After 60 days of the date of delivery, the goods can be offered for repurchase. Goods with a net value below   € 25.00, products built to customer's specifications or other non-standard materials cannot be returned for credit or exchange. Returns have to be shipped by the customer to the designated Evoqua Water Technologies location on basis of the trade term DAP (Delivered at Place / Incoterms 2010).


Every return shipment requires our Return Material Authorization (RMA) approval. After internal approval you will receive our RMA, which must accompany the shipment. Prior each return shipment please contact for a RMA.