Disinfection for Process Water

Safe & reliable drinking water purification equipment

Today’s water purification challenges are greater than ever due to complex contaminants, aging infrastructure and funding constraints. With the demand for cleaner drinking water increasing, Water utilities require effective disinfection treatment to protect drinking water against pathogens, viruses, and parasites such as cryptosporidium and giardia. Drinking water treatment facilities are also under pressure to do more with less. Public safety and water quality cannot be compromised, so it is important to incorporate solutions that are proven to perform. For this reason, municipalities and engineers from across the world seek the best treatment solutions to provide their communities with safe, clean drinking water day after day.

Evoqua has a broad portfolio of municipal drinking water treatment solutions to meet the growing demands for clean water.

What this means to you: 

  • Access to a vast portfolio of technology offerings for a complete treatment solution
  • Meet the water demands of a growing population
  • Overcome the threat of diminishing sources of available fresh water supplies
  • Treat challenging source water while meeting regulatory requirements with confidence
  • Deliver high performance water treatment at the lowest life-cycle cost

We offer a comprehensive range of Wallace & Tiernan® gas feed chlorinators, on-site hypochlorite generation systems, UV systems, liquid feed, chemical induction, and chorine residual monitoring solutions. For more than 100 years, Evoqua Water Technologies has been the market leader in providing respected expertise to help engineers and municipalities clean and purify the world's water.

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