Biological Wastewater Treatment

Aerobic treatment systems for secondary wastewater treatment

Biological treatment is an economical means of removing organic contaminants from wastewater. While it is commonly used for the treatment of domestic sanitary wastewater, it is also effective for industrial wastes.

The first step in a wastewater treatment process utilizes primary or mechanical systems to remove large suspended and floating solids from raw sewage. In the next step, called secondary or biological treatment, high concentrations of naturally occurring bacteria are confined in treatment tankage and combined with protozoa and other microbes to form activated sludge. The activated sludge bacteria break down organic molecules into inert substances creating effluent water suitable for discharge to rivers, lakes, or streams.

Evoqua's Orbal® System biological system provides a solution for simultaneous nitrification-denitrification

As effluent water quality regulations become more stringent, the demand for high quality wastewater treatment solutions continues to grow along with methods for reducing energy consumption and expanding capacity in existing plant footprints. Evoqua can respond to evolving wastewater treatment standards with solutions that include biological oxygen demand (BOD) reduction, aeration, clarification, phosphorous and nitrogen removal. We also offer key innovations for simultaneous nitrification denitrification, magnetite ballasted treatment and nutrient removal.

In addition, when plant treatment equipment reaches the end of their useful life, Evoqua can help turn what you have into what you need, to increase performance, reduce maintenance, and extend lifetime to keep treatment plants up and running.  

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